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Some other Touhou music out there. 5 feels fair enough, I don't make songs I don't think I'll like. Cover art by hako (twitter.com/lxcombox) With kind regards to the distant journey to you (thedistantjourneytoyou.bandcamp.com), 死際サテライト (now かちかち山 / katikatimusic.wixsite.com/ktktym) and 回路-kairo- (Honestly, their site is dead too)

Northwich Committee of Magic Researches
1swimming among the stars, able to surface
4last dance of the silent satellite - NCMR feat. 結月ゆかり
5君と私と穏やかな旅Ⅱ - NCMR feat. 結月ゆかり
Some other Touhou music out there. 5 feels fair enough, I don't make songs I don't think I'll like. Cover art by hako (twitter.com/lxcombox) With kind regards to the distant journey to you (thedistantjourneytoyou.bandcamp.com), 死際サテライト (now かちかち山 / katikatimusic.wixsite.com/ktktym) and 回路-kairo- (Honestly, their site is dead too)